Blog — Water Monkey Summer Camp

Boat design contest!

It it tough to come up with color ideas for all of our new boats! Help us out by heading to the MasterCraft website to design your ideal 2019 NXT 22.

The winning design(s) will not only get to see their boat come to life but we will also send you a camp SWAG package in the mail.

  • Follow this link --> MasterCraft <--- to get to the NXT22 boat builder site.

  • Choose your colors for the hull and interior. (Don't worry about other options, we'll take care of that.)

  • Submit your design to by October 20

If you don’t contribute your ideas we may just have to build the rasta boat!

2018 season recap

Our season just ended and it was the biggest and baddest since I launched the camp seven years ago. In 2018 we had my favorite staff of all time, so many awesome campers and the two coolest boats I could imagine. Many thanks to everyone involved for helping make it all happen.

In this recap I want to focus on friendships at camp. Seeing new friendships form, grow and continue for years has easily been my favorite part of running Water Monkey. So many of our campers have made friends here at camp and then brought those relationships back home by meeting up during the year (even flying and visiting each other as far as Europe from the U.S.), coordinating vacations together, going to the same college together and keeping in constant contact via social media.

On the first day at camp most of us are strangers. After seven days together on the boats, at meals, playing sports and having fun it can be difficult to say goodbye. I always knew that Water Monkey would be a special place where like-minded campers and staff would meet and get to know each other but I guess the extent to which it has surpassed my expectations is a testament to how unique our camp program is.

Water Monkey Camp as a whole is truly greater than the sum of its can buy yourself an epic boat and some gear and spend a week out on the lake but you’ll me missing a bit of magic that happens here each summer.

Now some fun 2018 stats!

  • 126 campers over 7 weeks!

  • Campers stayed an average of 1.21 weeks at camp (longest stay by any camper was 4 weeks by Stan tha man)

  • Average number of campers per week was 18 (we limited each week this summer to 18 campers and were full every week)

  • Campers were 68% boys and 32% girls

  • Average camper age was 13.9

  • 57.9% of campers were returners, 42.1% were first timers

  • Campers came from 15 states (CO, CT, DC, GA, IL, MA, ME, MT, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA and VT) as well as Canada, China, France and Italy!

  • 2,055 gourmet meals prepared and served by amazing Chef Rebecca

  • 400 pounds of food scraps and waste diverted from the landfill to local hungry pigs!

  • 10,804 unique visitors to in the past 12 months

  • 10,363 photos uploaded for parents and campers to enjoy

  • 3 baby loons on the lake

  • 1 Taylor Swift concert at Gillette Stadium

  • Infinite smiles, laughs and good times

  • Average water temperature during camp was 78 degrees

  • Merrymeeting Lake is 1,100 acres and the cleanest lake in New Hampshire

  • 24 hours spent cleaning boat insides during the season and 20 hours spent washing and waxing the outsides

  • 254 hours on the Calypso Green MasterCraft NXT22 and 234 hours on the Jetstream Blue MasterCraft NXT22 for a total of 488 hours of boating this season!

  • 2,800 gallons of gas consumed on the lake producing roughly 25 metric tons of CO2 offsett with contributions to (specifically the Alto Mayo Conservation Initiative) as well as the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire who, along with many Merrymeeting Residents and the US Forest Service, is attempting to raise $1,500,000 preserve 2,000 acres of forest surrounding our perfect lake. Our total contributions will offset about 50 metric tons of CO2 this year with the extra going towards camper travel to/from camp.

I hope that all of our campers, staff and their families have a terrific year and that you keep us in mind as you start planning your 2019 summer. Our tuition will be going up next year for the first time in five years but we do not want you to miss out on camp because of that. As always we will be offering a $300 referral bonus for every new camper you send our way who enrolls and new this year by parent requests is the option to set up a payment plan for your camper’s tuition. I am always here to answer your questions so feel free to e-mail, call, snail mail or set up a time to visit and we hope to see you back here next summer!


Evan Goldner


Wrapping up a perfect summer

Hello campers, friends and all other readers!

Sunset at the end of the summer.

We are back from camp! Our campers left on August 11 but we were super busy from then until last weekend with private lessons and fun on the lake. We will be posting a season re-cap soon but until then here are some shots of how we have been wrapping things up!

We sold our Calypso Green NXT22 (a.k.a. Green Machine) after camp and used the Jetstream Blue NXT22 (a.k.a. cookie monster a.k.a. bluey) until last week. On the last day in the water I took a break after private lessons to snag this picture of the gorgeous, empty, still-warm water and bluebird ski.

Some serious work starts when the boat gets out of the water. Both boats need thorough cleaning inside and out. That means taking out all of the life jackets, paddles, first aid kits, dock lines and other assorted ‘stuff’ that accumulates throughout the season. From there we wash out the inside and then wash and wax the outside.

Lifejacket Party!

Once the boat is shiny inside and out it is ready for the winter! This year we sold both of our 2018 MasterCrafts so instead of winterizing the motor and putting it away for storage we are delivering it to its new owners! Green Machine will be living on Winnipesaukee now and Cookie Monster will be heading to Mississippi!

Of course I have had a helper through all of this work!

We won't be blogging much for a couple of months

It may sound counterintuitive but the summertime is a tough time to blog for a summer camp! We are so busy with our campers that we just do not have the time to write meaningful blog posts.

That does not mean that we are totally off the grid all summer! We regularly post pictures, videos and stories on our Instagram account so give our page a follow and join in on the fun!


summer feels...

Spring is a busy time for Water Monkey. We have been hard at work getting camp ready, working out logistics with campers and staff and doing lots of private lessons on the lake. Yesterday afternoon I took a breather after covering the boats for the day. Our spot is perfect...

Glassy water and ridiculous boats.