
Camp Update

Hello Camp Friends!

We have not posted in a few weeks so this is just a quick update.

First, a word on enrollment for 2021. We are currently accepting enrollments from any families who were signed up in 2020 when we had to cancel due to COVID-19. On November 25 we will start accepting enrollments from all other families. At this time all of our weeks have spaces and we do not anticipate any weeks filling before enrollment opens up to everyone. If you have questions about signing up, availability or anything else regarding camp please feel free to get in touch!

Next, camp is just gorgeous this time of year.

Stunning sunsets, courtesy of mother nature.

We have been closing up the property for the past few weeks. That entails winterizing every building and lots and lots of raking leaves! I have had some help, though…

My boys, Finn and Kai, are loving fall at the lake.

Going forward we will be finalizing our staffing for 2021 and solidifying our COVID-19 protocols for campers and staff. We could not be more excited to reopen next summer.

That’s it for now! Get in touch with questions and we hope to see you all at camp in a few short months!

F is for...

This has been a weird fall. It started off with relentless rain. Then the leaves decided to fall about a day before the first big snowstorm. Then we got buried in snow. Now it is all melting away.

I made it to camp just before the first snow came to spend 14 hours raking, blowing tarping and dumping leaves from our three perfect acres of camp.

I finished up as the first flakes of snow were falling. Two weeks later and we have gone from perfect fluffy snow to a muddy, icy mix up there.

With warmer temps for the next few days I expect most of the snow up there to melt away before it eventually gets buried by late December/early January.

I did get a chance to take advantage of all of the late-November snow, though. I sent it up to Sunday River in Maine during a 20”+ storm and it did not disappoint! Endless knee-deep pow and zero lift lines make for some epic times!

Did not stop much to take pics but here’s one from the slopes!

The drive up there was a bit hectic though! The typically 2.5 hour trip took 4+ with various stretches of ice, slush, deep snow and snow plows doing their job.

Here’s a stretch of…road?

Here’s to winter in New England! If winter isn’t your thing just count down the days until camp starts up again…(203 days from today).


fall projects

This is always a fun time of year for us at camp. There is a brief window between our busy summer season and winter recruitment where we can focus on our long property maintenance to-do list!

Last week we tackled a project that has been on the list for years: a brand new fire pit. Campfires are always a good time at camp and our previous spot was not 100% ideal.

Step one was removing the big rocks that lined the old pit and filling it in with dirt.

We rented a tractor to do the heavy lifting for us on this project. It took a ton of work to move the big rocks and then five full scoops of dirt to fill in the old fire pit. The above pictures show where we dumped the rocks, the old pit filled in with dirt and a POV shot of us scooping dirt!

Next was prepping the future fire pit area. Previously there were two giant piles of stone and dirt which we smoothed out to create a flat spot to build the fire pit. We then used the rocks from the old pit to create our new one (with the tractor’s help of course).

The finished product! The new fire pit is way in the corner of our field overlooking the property. We are ready for fires, s’mores and ghost stories next summer!

These were my helpers for this project. Finn and Kai may not be driving boats yet but they are awesome tractor operators!

Fall in new hampshire

You have to sometimes get creative in late fall to have some fun outside. The ski slopes are not fully open yet, bike trails are too slick with leaves, frost and mud, and the lake is a bit too cold to play in. Add to that my 18 month old and two week old boys and finding time for an adventure is a bit limited! 

But where there's a will there's a way! Tuckerman and I found a few hours this week and we scooted over to Pawtuckaway State Park for some woods exploration where we found marshes, mega boulders and streams galore.

Nine miles of walking for me translates to around 25 miles for Tuckerman. 

Keep on enjoying the fall!

