good food — Blog — Water Monkey Summer Camp

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2014 season recap

The 2014 season of Water Monkey Camp is history and - with no hyperbole - could be described as epic.  Each year I leave camp thinking it was the best summer ever and the next summer just blows it out of the water.  Many thanks to all of the campers (and their parents), staff, and my friends and family for helping make it all possible. This year we had a 100% fresh staff which included all new instructors and a first time chef.  I was constantly impressed with the quality of work they all produced and the height to which they raised the bar for the Water Monkey Camp program and any camp that hopes to teach water sports.

2014 showed that we are certainly not lacking in top notch students to teach on the lake.  The guys and girls we have welcomed to camp have come from all over the U.S. and the world and each bring with them their own unique backgrounds, water sports abilities, and personalities but all share the same desire to have fun, learn, and make the most of their short time at camp.

Here is a breakdown of the 2014 season:

  • We filled 68 out of 70 spaces this summer over seven weeks of camp
  • Campers came from 12 states (California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas) as well as France and Canada
  • The average age of our campers was 13.849
  • Campers were 74% guys, 26% girls
  • Peak sustained water temperature was in Week 7 at 81 degrees
  • Lowest water temperature was in Week 1 at 74 degrees
  • 10,828 unique visitors to in the past 12 months
  • Served up 2,205 meals (and almost infinite snacks)
  • Taught eight campers how to do back rolls or tantrums
  • Racked up another 200 hours on the Centurion odometer to bring us to 500 hours of fun!
  • Burnt through 940.28 gallons of gas producing 8.344 metric tons of CO2...offset by planting 150 trees through! (we planted an extra 60 trees to offset some of the camper travel to/from camp)

It is too early to tell what the 2015 season will be like for Water Monkey Camp.  We hope to move to our new property but are still facing a long process obtaining zoning approval.  Having turned away more than 60 campers this year we desperately need to increase our capacity in order to make Water Monkey Camp accessible to more kids.  To that end we are purchasing a second boat (we have narrowed down the new boat options to two companies) and already started recruiting additional coaches so that we will be able to instruct 20 campers per day for the length of the summer.  One thing we can guarantee is that camp will continue to deliver the same experience that our campers know and love.

Keep in touch throughout the year and we hope to see you back at camp in 2015!


Evan Goldner


2013 season recap

As the leaves begin to change and the lake temperature is dropping by the day we at Water Monkey have to finally admit that the summer is almost over.  Every extra day we get on the boat now is just icing on the ridiculous cake which was our 2013 season.  We could not be happier with where the camp has gotten in such a short amount of time. Many thanks to everyone who was involved this year: the campers for giving it their all and dedicating themselves to learning and having fun, my staff for working tirelessly this summer to deliver top notch watersports instruction, gourmet food, and constant entertainment to our campers, our host camp for letting us take over our little island on their property, and my friends and family who helped me renovate our awesome cabin.  Camp would not have happened if it were not for all of you!

Some 2013 stats:

  • We welcomed 48 campers over six weeks of camp from late June to August.
  • Campers came from nine states (CA, CT, FL, IL, MA, NH, NY, PA, and VT) as well as France and Canada.
  • The average age of our campers was 14.
  • We were 71% guys, 29% girls.
  • The average water temperature on the lake was 77 degrees (a bit chillier than usual due to above average rain in June/July).
  • Consumed 420 pancakes washed down with 11 gallons of pure NH maple syrup.
  • We drank 68 gallons of milk (Billy was responsible for about 10 of those).
  • Chowed down on 250 homemade (big) meatballs.
  • We went through 1,500 freeze pops!
  • 7,488 unique visitors to in the past 12 months.
  • We tacked on another 175 hours to the Centurion's odometer.
  • Guzzled 745 gallons of gas producing a little under seven metric tons of CO2...offset by planting 70 trees through!
  • 0 hospital visits!
  • Endless improvement behind the boat!

Goals for 2014

  • 20 campers per week for eight weeks of camp.
  • Two boats.
  • Trampoline training area for land practice of flips, spins, and handle passes.
  • New, private, unreal location directly on the lake...

Keep in touch, keep shredding, and, as always, feel free to hit us up any time to chat: 617-855-WAKE


Top 5: Things to do in Acadia National Park

Acadia National Park is the only United States national park in New England and a go-to destination for everyone from young thrill-seekers to families looking to go camping to older couples hoping to chow down on some lobster and enjoy the sights.  I have been leading adventure tours through this amazing park, located near Bar Harbor, ME, since 2008 and have been visiting Acadia since the early 90's with my family.  Although tiny in size when compared to the behemoth parks out west, this protected enclave on the Maine coast is one of the coolest places on the planet to explore.  Below are five of my picks for activities to enjoy on a trip to Acadia. Top 5:

  1. The Beehive - Harrowing yet manageable cliffs, limitless views of the Atlantic coast, getting up close and personal with some native creatures, and juicy wild blueberries are some of the highlights of this classic New England hike.  The parking lot is overflowing by about 9AM in the peak season so I always get an early start and beat the midday crowds.  While not recommended for those of you who are afraid of heights, I have seen the Beehive (so named because the rocky peak resembles the cone shape of a beehive) convert even the staunchest city lover to a full blown granola eating tree-hugger.

  2. Ocean Kayaking -No trip to Acadia would be complete without checking out the rocky coast and surrounding islands and by far the best way to do that is to strap on a skirt - kayak skirt, to keep the 39 degree water out of your lap - and hop in a kayak.  While you could rent a 'yak and bring out your inner Magellan, navigating the coast is best done by a local professional as they not only know the best spots to visit but know how to deal with inclement weather, distracted lobster boats, and vicious, killer seals.  I recommend a full-day excursion so that there is time to get out on an island for lunch and get to see some of the coast.

  3. Thunder Hole and the Coastal Park Loop - A short walk from the base of the Beehive will get you to Thunder Hole, a naturally occurring phenomenon where waves crash into the cliffs and are directed up through a chimney in the rock to create a massive sound and huge spray.  Keep exploring the coastal road for tremendous views, little hiking paths, and other fun stuff, like the millions of snails crawling along the endless coast.  The best way to do this is on bike but if you are a bit tired from your other adventures a ride in a car with the windows rolled down is a close alternative.
  4. Pop over to the Jordan Pond House for Pop-overs - This upscale restaurant, nestled between some mountains and the aptly named Jordan Pond, serves seriously gourmet meals while still allowing patrons who have not showered or changed their grimy camping clothes in days to sit inside or out in the amazing and scenic back lawn.  Every meal comes with a pop-over and fresh jam; there is really nothing better after days of campsite cooking.  Before or after your meal it is mandatory (not really, but really on my trips) to walk the two mile or so loop of the Jordan Pond.  It is relaxing, filled with wildlife, and a great way to burn off those pop-overs.

  5. Take a dip at Echo Lake - It is mid July, 90 degrees in the sun, you are sweaty and disgusting from camping, hiking, biking, and not showering.  The ocean is too cold to jump in.  Echo Lake is calling.  While there are numerous bodies of fresh water that you could go to in Acadia, I have always been partial to the shores of Echo Lake.  The water is clean and refreshingly cool, there is a sandy beach as well as some grass, and friendly people from all walks of life come here to lazily unwind.

Those are my top five, which may not necessarily be yours so do some exploring, leave the beaten path, discover new things, and have some fun in the outdoors this summer!  Oh, and do not forget to enjoy a lobster or two, fresh from the Maine coast.